15 Comfort us according to the days that thou hast afflicted us, and according to the years that we have seen evil.

16 [a]Let thy work be seen toward thy servants, and thy glory upon their [b]children.

17 And let the [c]beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and [d]direct thou the work of our hands upon us, even direct the work of our hands.

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  1. Psalm 90:16 Even thy mercy, which is the chiefest work.
  2. Psalm 90:16 As God’s promises appertained as well to their posterity, as to them, so Moses prayeth for the posterity.
  3. Psalm 90:17 Meaning, that is was obscured, when he ceaseth to do good to his Church.
  4. Psalm 90:17 For except thou guide us with thine holy Spirit, our enterprises can have no good success.

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